Monday, February 4, 2008

First Steps

Anyone would think that living in a small town, where your with the same 20 kids your whole life, would be easy-boy are they wrong. Not to be really prissy or anything but come on-a girl can`t grow up with the same 8 guys through her prime teenage years. And all of them are the same. They are smart, sensitve, funny as heck and are friends with everyone. And I hate them.
The girls are different. Theres the ones that hang around the guys, and believe the world revolves around them, theres the wanna-be`s, the clingers, the gorgeous friendly ones (ex-best friend included) and then, theres my type.
There are 3 of us. We get good grades, are on all the sports teams (unfortunatley along with the gravity rocks) and we totally don`t care. Well, ok we do care and my best friend is in love with the hottest guy (my ex), my other friend believes the guys are her 2nd best friends, and I really miss my old bff and would totally go out with an older guy, but hey no one thinks we care. When we`re together its crazy and nothing matters but having fun.
So for anyone who believes otherwise, no, we don't have trouble finding friends, and bullying is not a huge problem, but there are other issues. You have no choice for friends, and no where to turn. You can't bury a reputation and gossip is the king, even with adults. Everyone knows where you live, how you do in school, what you play, it can get creepy. And of course, theres no McDonalds or Timmy's. Wow, I just realized how bad that really is, but anyways, I hope I've changed your view and you absorb that little peice of my life. No worries, there will be more...


. said...

wow... this is the only post you've made and it was months ago?

star shooter said...

yeah... i kind of get like, bored or unmotivated i geuss...