Thursday, August 28, 2008


So today was the first day of school in my hick (kidding guys) of a town. Now, I really hate how everyone gets like, all dressed up and excited. This was the first year I realized, and didn't. No one special even turned a head toward me. I had 5 hellos, and one "awe your nice this year!" after giving a high five. Which was shortly after I was scolded by my gym teacher for being to nice. Huh. I hate high school. I hate having the same classes every day, and having them last twice as long. At least I'll have less time to work hee hee.

But my two best buds are in my gym and math class. Which, I might add, is awsome. It is really strange because we recieved 4 new teachers this year. But in my grade we lost like 5 kids which sets us back to... oh 27 kids I believe. I'm really sick of all the boys in my school. I think I am going to pack up and go to an all girls boarding school. Well, maybe not but you catch my drift. I am really looking forwards to Romeo and Juliet this year, and I think I might join the yearbook comittee.

hmmm... I hate thinking about whats going to happen after I graduate. I have had every teacher ask me what I plan on doing after high school, and to be honest, I have no idea. I love writing, drawing and photography, but I also like science and physics and research stuff like that. And I love traveling. So I could be a travel agent... Or a house-oh what are they called- real state agent but i dont know =( anyways I'm drifting either way I'm very glad I have my friends or I would be dead of drama overload hanging with the other girls. Anyways I'm off too bed hopefully to write again tomorrow... but I don't know...

We'll see!